Find Free Food and Groceries (2024)

').show(); // Loading... faSetCookie('cms_cons_zip', zip, 365);'GetOrganizationsByZip', { zip: zip }, 'Organization', function(data) { var counter = 0; results.empty(); for (var key in data) { counter++; if (counter > 2) { return; } // Display only first two results var org = data[key]; if (org.SocialUrls.WebUrl != '') { window.location = org.SocialUrls.WebUrl+'&twoStep=true&zip='+zip+'&s_channel='+channel+'&s_subsrc='+subsrc+'&s_keyword='+keyword; } else { var profileUrlName = (org.FullName.replace(/ - /g, '-')).replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase(); var profileUrl = '/find-your-local-foodbank/' + (profileUrlName.replace(/[&]/g, 'and')).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, ''); $('.blurb').html('Based on that zip code, online SNAP application assistance is not available. Please contact your local food bank for help with applying for SNAP.'); results.append([ '

', '', org.FullName, ' • ', org.MailAddress.City, ', ', org.MailAddress.State, ' • ', '' + org.Phone + '', ' • ', org.URL, '', '

' ].join(''));; } } if (counter == 0) { // No results results.append('This is an invalid zip. Please try a valid U.S. zip'); } }, function(response) { // Error results.html('Our online search is not working at this time. To find out your food bank, please call us at 800.771.2303'); // console.log( "response" ) // console.log( response ) }); if (doState) { stateHungerMeterByZip(zip); } } } var s_keyword = Drupal.behaviors.fa*getAttributionValue("s_keyword"); s_keyword = s_keyword.substring(0, 200); var s_channel = Drupal.behaviors.fa*getAttributionValue("s_channel"); s_channel = s_channel.substring(0, 200); var s_subsrc = Drupal.behaviors.fa*getAttributionValue("s_subsrc"); s_subsrc = s_subsrc.substring(0, 200); var s_subsrc = (s_subsrc != '') ? s_subsrc : window.location.href; if (s_keyword.length > 0) { $('input[name="s_keyword"]').val(s_keyword); } if (s_channel.length > 0) { $('input[name="s_channel"]').val(s_channel); } if (s_subsrc.length > 0) { $('input[name="s_subsrc"]').val(s_subsrc); } // GSNAP: Find Your Local Food Bank $('#gsnap_zip_search_form button[type="submit"]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#gsnap_zip_search_form input[name="zip"]') .val($('#gsnap_zip_search_form input[name="zip"]').val()) .attr('value',$('#gsnap_zip_search_form input[name="zip"]').val()); findYourLocalFoodBank($('#gsnap_zip_search_form input[name="zip"]').val(), false); }); // --- Find Your Local Food Bank --- function findYourLocalFoodBankEn(zip, doState) { var results = jQuery('#homepage_zip_search_results'); results.empty().hide(); // Clear the display // Validate zip var dZip = zip.replace(/\D/g,''); if (dZip.length != 5 || dZip != zip) { results.append('This is an invalid zip. Please try a valid U.S. zip').show(); return; } // Do the request if (zip != '') { results.append('').show(); // Loading... faSetCookie('cms_cons_zip', zip, 365);'GetOrganizationsByZip', { zip: zip }, 'Organization', function(data) { var counter = 0; results.empty(); for (var key in data) { counter++; if (counter > 2) { return; } // Display only first two results var org = data[key]; var profileUrlName = (org.FullName.replace(/ - /g, '-')).replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase(); var profileUrl = '/find-your-local-foodbank/' + (profileUrlName.replace(/[&]/g, 'and')).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, ''); results.append([ '

', '', org.FullName, ' • ', org.MailAddress.City, ', ', org.MailAddress.State, ' • ', '' + org.Phone + '', ' • ', org.URL, '', '

' ].join('')); } if (counter == 0) { // No results results.append('This is an invalid zip. Please try a valid U.S. zip'); } }, function(response) { // Error results.html('Our online search is not working at this time. To find out your food bank, please call us at 800.771.2303'); }); if (doState) { stateHungerMeterByZipEn(zip); } } } function stateHungerMeterByZipEn(zip) { if (zip != '') { // Do the request'GetStateStatisticsByZip', { zip: zip }, '/', function(data) { if (data && data.StateID && data.Name) {// displayHungerMeterResults(data.Name, data.StateID, data.Name, data.StateStats.FoodInsecurityRate); displayHungerMeterResults(data.Name, data.StateID, data.Name, data.StateStats.MMG_FI_FULL_POP_RATE); jQuery('#homepage_ending_select').val(data.StateID); faSetCookie('cms_cons_state', data.StateID, 365); return; } // No results // ... }, function(response) { // Error // No results behaviour }); } } // Homepage: Find Your Local Food Bank jQuery('#homepage_zip_search_form_en button[type="submit"]').once().click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#homepage_zip_search_form_en input[name="zip"]') .val($('#homepage_zip_search_form_en input[name="zip"]').val()) .attr('value',$('#homepage_zip_search_form_en input[name="zip"]').val()); findYourLocalFoodBankEn(jQuery('#homepage_zip_search_form_en input[name="zip"]').val(), true); }); var cms_cons_zip = fa*getCookie('cms_cons_zip'); // Get zip from cookies if (cms_cons_zip && cms_cons_zip == '') { cms_cons_zip = jQuery('#cms_cons_zip').val(); // Get zip from user's record } if (cms_cons_zip && cms_cons_zip != '') { // We already have the user's zip jQuery('#homepage_zip_search_form_en input[name="zip"]').attr('value',cms_cons_zip).val(cms_cons_zip); findYourLocalFoodBankEn(cms_cons_zip, true); } // --- Hunger Meter --- // Homepage: State hunger meter jQuery('#homepage_ending_select').change(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = jQuery(this).val(); switch (id) { case 'US' : nationHungerMeter(); break; default : if (id != '') { faSetCookie('cms_cons_state', id, 365); stateHungerMeter(id); } break; } }); if (cms_cons_zip && cms_cons_zip != '') { // We already have the user's zip // Do nothing } else { var cms_cons_state = fa*getCookie('cms_cons_state'); // Get state from cookies if (cms_cons_state && cms_cons_state == '') { cms_cons_state = jQuery('#cms_cons_state').val(); // Get state from user's record } if (cms_cons_state && cms_cons_state != '') { // We already have the user's state jQuery('#homepage_ending_select').val(cms_cons_state); faSetCookie('cms_cons_state', cms_cons_state, 365); stateHungerMeter(cms_cons_state); } else { // Nationwide nationHungerMeter(); } } } });})(jQuery);});

If you need food today

Your local food bank can help you find food today, even if you need temporary help. They partner with food pantries, soup kitchens, and meal programs in your local community to give away free food.

Enter your zip code to find the food bank partnering with Feeding America. They'll share the locations and hours of nearby food distributions.


Find Free Food and Groceries (2024)


How to get free food in New Jersey? ›

The State of New Jersey programs that benefit from Food Distribution are the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

How can I get free food in my area? ›

To get help on food and other needs, call 211 or (800) 339-6993 or visit the website here. Food Oasis LA is a free food directory connecting people needing food to nearby food pantries and meals. Click here. DPSS has a new website for Los Angeles County residents to apply for benefits at

How can I get free fruits and vegetables? ›

Your local food bank can help you find food today, even if you need temporary help. They partner with food pantries, soup kitchens, and meal programs in your local community to give away free food. Enter your zip code to find the food bank partnering with Feeding America.

How do you qualify for food pantry in NJ? ›

To be eligible to receive TEFAP foods from an LDA, an individual or family must participate in one of these qualifier programs:
  1. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  2. Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP)
  3. Supplement Security Income (SSI)
  4. Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program.
  5. Medicaid.
  6. Low Inc.

How can I get free meals with no money? ›

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of people with low income by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. USDA provides 100% American-grown USDA Foods and administrative funds to states to operate TEFAP.

How can I get help with food in NJ? ›

New Jersey's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, NJ SNAP, provides food assistance to families with low incomes to help them buy groceries through a benefits card accepted in most food retail stores and some farmers markets. Eligibility is set by several factors, such as income and resources.

How to get free food fast? ›

These are the best ways to get free food and drink:
  1. Use supermarket cashback apps. ...
  2. Become a mystery diner. ...
  3. Sign up to restaurant newsletters and apps. ...
  4. Get free hot drinks from coffee shops. ...
  5. Look for food waste supermarkets. ...
  6. Use zero-waste apps to find free food near you. ...
  7. Get paid to go to the pub.
Oct 5, 2023

What to eat when you have no food or money? ›

Cheapest Foods to Live On:
  • Oatmeal.
  • Eggs.
  • Bread.
  • Rice.
  • Bananas.
  • Beans.
  • Apples.
  • Pasta.

What are the 5 largest food assistance programs? ›

Federal Food Assistance Programs
AcronymFull Name
SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
TEFAPThe Emergency Food Assistance Program
CSFPThe Commodity Supplemental Food Program
CACFPThe Child and Adult Care Food Program
4 more rows

Can anyone go to a local food bank? ›

Anyone who needs extra help affording food can visit a food pantry or meal program. Some pantries or programs may have additional requirements, like living in a certain area.

Where can I get free fruits? ›

Depending on where you live there are a few options to help you provide fruits and veggies free or at low cost for you and your family.
  • Many churches coordinate programs to provide food for those in need.
  • Local food banks. ...
  • The Food Trust.
  • Local soup kitchens.

What if you can t afford organic fruits and vegetables? ›

Buy local produce

Because it is locally grown, you get the benefit of fresher, more nutritious food. If you've ever had a garden or know someone who has one, think about how fresh the crops taste compared to store-bought produce. Although local food is not necessarily grown organically, it can be a better choice.

How many food pantries are there in NJ? ›

Rutgers Against Hunger works in partnership with the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks to assist those in need. The New Jersey Federation of Food Banks provides goods and services to over 1,500 pantries statewide each year.

How do local food pantries work? ›

Sharing food with communities

Network food banks collect, sort and distribute these donations to local food pantries and meal programs. Food pantries and meal programs in the network then distribute the food directly to people in their communities.

Do you need food license to sell food in NJ? ›

Getting started in New Jersey

New Jersey cottage food producers must register on the state health department's website, pay $100 for a two-year permit, obtain a food protection manager certificate, and provide a copy of the most recent water bill for the location of the cottage food kitchen.

Are lunches still free in NJ? ›

Thanks to a law passed last month, 60,000 more students will have access to free breakfast and lunch at school next school year. The new law expands eligibility to families whose household income is up to 224% of the federal poverty level.

Does NJ have free lunch? ›

In 2022, another bill signed by Murphy raised the eligibility level for free school meals from an income of 185% of the federal poverty level to 199%, which expanded the program to 26,000 more students. And in 2019, Murphy signed legislation eliminating copays for students qualifying for reduced-price meals.

How to get emergency food stamps in NJ? ›

If you need immediate food assistance, CFBNJ has over 800 community partners across the state of New Jersey. Find a food pantry near you today. If you think it's time to submit a SNAP application, contact the CFBNJ Resource Access Team at 908-838-4831.

How do you qualify for Meals on Wheels in NJ? ›

Prospective clients are interviewed to determine their need and eligibility for Meals on Wheels. The eligibility is based on age, inability to prepare meals for yourself or have family or other support systems available to do it for you. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday between 9 AM to 3 PM.


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.