How to get Hedge Fund jobs after MBA - MBA Crystal Ball (2024)

How to get Hedge Fund jobs after MBA - MBA Crystal Ball (1)Many MBA graduates would part with their last dime to become successful hedge fund managers. The “Benjamins” are, of course, the obvious main attraction. And we aren’t talking about any “handsome salaries” or “decent commissions” but really big bucks.

The annual earnings of the top hedge fund managers easily cross $1 billion each: think of Ray Dalio, George Soros, Ken Griffin, Bill Ackman, and James Simons. To put this in perspective, each of them makes more in a year than the top-ten Wall Street movies have made together at the box office.

What is a hedge fund?

First, a little about this diamond mine called hedge fund (HF). By definition, a hedge fund is a pooled fund, a private investment partnership, set up by a money manager or an investment advisor in the form of a limited partnership or limited liability company. After raising money from investors, the fund invests it according to strategies agreed upon with the investors.

HFs can invest in almost anything, from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to foreign currencies, real estate, and art. The total assets of the HF industry, comprising about 8,000 funds, have grown to $3 trillion. Most of the funds are worth under $100 million each, but HFs over $5 billion control 65 percent of the assets under management (AUM).

HF can use strategies that mutual funds cannot use, such as short-selling (betting against a stock by borrowing shares and selling them without actually owning them). Investors in HFs have to commit their funds for a lock-in period, when they don’t have access to the funds.

Only an accredited and sophisticated investor can invest in a hedge fund, and there are quite a few conditions. The HF managers receive the standard 2 percent of the value of the AUM annually and 20 percent of profits, and there lies the story for fund professionals.

How does a Hedge Fund work?

Here’s an example to understand how hedge funds work. Let’s suppose an investment manager/company launches an HF and an investor puts in $100 million. The fund manager makes a contract with the investor, and let’s say they agree that the manager receives 2 percent of the AUM and 20 percent of the profits earned annually above 3 percent and the investor receives the rest. Assume that the HF starts business with the investor’s $100 million and it becomes so successful that it earns $100 million in the first year.

Now, according to the contract, the HF manager receives 2 percent of the AUM ($2 million). Of the profit, the first 3 percent goes to the investor, which is $3 million here. Of the $97 million profit remaining, the investor receives 80 percent, or $77.5 million, and the fund manager 20 percent, or $19.5 million.

Therefore, the investor makes a total of $80.5 million ($3 million + $77.5 million) and the fund manager $21.5 million ($2 million + $19.5 million) in this rather extreme example.

A little Hedge Fund history

The first hedge fund was launched in 1949 by Andrew Winslow Jones, writer and sociologist. The idea came to him when he was writing an article about investment trends for Fortune. He raised $100,000, including $40,000, from his own earnings, and invested it, while trying to minimize the risk involved (hedging) in holding long-term stocks by short-selling other stocks. HF investments rose to prominence in the 1990s when George Soros speculated against the pound, forcing it out of the exchange rate mechanism.

According to the 2017 Hedge Fund 100 list, of the Institutional Investor’s Alpha, the top five HFs are currently Bridgewater Associates (firm capital $122.2 billion), AQR Capital Management ($69.6 billion), JP Morgan Asset Management ($45 billion), Renaissance Technologies ($42 billion), and Two Sigma ($38.9 billion), as reported by Business Insider.

The year 2016 was tough for HFs, with returns of only around 5.4 percent, compared with 11.9 percent that S&P 500 returned. Because of high fees and poor performance, $70 billion was withdrawn from HFs. But many top HFs recorded double-digit growth.

How to get Hedge Fund jobs after MBA

Hedge funds are choosy about the academic qualifications of job candidates, says an article in eFinancialCareers. They are known to be partial to graduates from Ivy League schools with straight “A”s and spotless academic records.

The most common qualification is a master’s degree (22 percent), followed by CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst, 20 percent), MBA (14 percent), CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst, 3 percent), and PhD (3 percent). HFs once used to focus mainly on track record at work. But with a shortage of talent, they are once again giving importance to top degrees and professional qualifications.

HFs are increasing their recruitment of MBAs along with asset managers, says an article in However, some reports say there have been fluctuations in MBA intake. In any case, MBAs have better chances if they have gone to top schools. Among the MBAs most likely to find jobs in HFs and other buy-side organizations are those from Ivy League schools in the US, the London Business School in the UK, and INSEAD and HEC in Europe and Asia.

The top b-schools for HF, PE, and asset management jobs in the US are Columbia Business School, Wharton, Stern, Harvard, Booth, Stanford, Yale, MIT Sloan, Tuck, and Johnson. In Europe, the top schools, apart from LBS, are INSEAD, HEC Paris, and Oxford Said. Chinese institutions — CEIBS, the Fudan University School of Management, and the University of Hong Kong—are also talent resources for hedge funds. US organizations tend to hire more MBAs than those in Europe, where funds recruit fresh graduates and train them, instead of hiring MBAs paying high salaries.

The highest percentage of MBA graduates working in HFs come from Stern (7 percent), followed by Columbia, Booth, Wharton (all 5 percent), and Harvard Business School (4 percent). In Europe, LBS and INSEAD are the biggest contributors of MBAs to HFs (2 percent), followed by HEC Paris, SDA Bocconi, Cambridge Judge, and Oxford Said (1 percent), according to This does not denote annual intake: for example, just 0.9 percent of the class of 2016 at Stern joined an HF.

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Just MBA not enough

Can a top MBA by itself guarantee a hedge fund job? No. It may be important to go to a top b-school, but work experience in a hedge fund before school is what often counts, says a Quora participant. The alternative is experience in investment banking or a private equity fund. If you don’t have this experience, it is going to be tough to get into a hedge fund even with an MBA.

While working toward your MBA, you need to specialize in economics, finance, and accounting, advises an article in You could apply for an entry-level position in an investment bank, a job that will give you experience and prepare for a position in an HF. This is helpful because HFs don’t have training programs and like to hire people with basic knowledge of finance.

The article also says that you need to stay abreast of developments in the HF industry by reading the Wall Street Journal and HedgeWeek. Your resume should highlight your investment industry experience, including how much money you brought to your firm. Other resume tips: be descriptive about your deals and transactions; explain the roles you played; stick to a one-page format; mind the presentation and legibility; include GPA and test scores; be clear about where you worked and when; don’t leave any gaps; and be honest.

Among other tips: take networking seriously and follow up on leads from friends connected to HFs; document good investment ideas gained from your professional experience or interest; and market yourself aggressively. Another track to an HF job is to join an investment bank and then apply to an HF after two or three years.

For an MBA graduate who managed to get an HF job after b-school, work experience at as a sell-side analyst helped, according to this person’s Quora post. He showed that he loves the challenges of making investments. This person developed a personal trading portfolio while at b-school, making case studies into investment puzzles and assignments into investment research opportunities. Based on the research, this person traded in the company concerned using an e-trade account, which demonstrated to future recruiters an interest in trading. “Being a proven money-maker is the best way to get hired,” says another Quora contributor.

What is a “proven money-maker” made of? The ability to make money depends on strong math and computation skills, street smartness, and a pleasant personality that clients will like, according to a Quora post. If you make the best use of your education and apprenticeship, that will help very much, too.

Investopedia gives some general tips for how to get a job at a hedge fund: be sure you want to work for an HF; study the HF industry; use the three-circles strategy (involving your passion, experience, and considerations of high profitability); identify HF career mentors; complete internships; develop your USP (such as a specialization in the emerging funds market); take networking and cold-calling seriously (since HFs don’t always advertise jobs); and consider HF service-provide jobs.

Skills across finance, operations, front office, risk, and compliance are sought-after in the HFs industry, says a career advisor at Aston Business School, UK, quoted in BusinessBecause.

Hedge Fund Salary after MBA

HF jobs are attractive because, even in a bad year, an HF will earn the “asset management fee,” which is usually 2 percent of the assets, which itself may run into millions for the fund. Of course, a good year would also provide 20 percent of profits from investments.

At Columbia Business School, a Class of 2016 MBA received a job offer from an HF with $325,000 annual base salary, $200,000 more than the median base salary, reports Poets&Quants. A couple of Class of 2015 MBAs landed $250,000 annual salary at HFs/investment management firms. At Stanford, at least one 2015 MBA graduate received a $267,000 base salary. An INSEAD graduate accepted an HF/investment management firm in Latin America with a salary of $200,000.

The average total compensation for a hedge fund professional in 2015 was $368,000, according to the 2015 Hedge Fund Compensation Report quoted in But the money comes at a price: the report said 80 percent of HF professionals worked between 40 and 60 extremely stressful hours a week, with very little job security.
Read Highest Paying Finance Jobs in the World

Recruiting MBAs

There are three investment-management hiring groups: large managers; HFs and mid-sized managers; and boutique and small firms, according to a post on Large managers run internship programs from which they recruit employees; the interns’ pool may be very small and only very few of them would be offered full-time jobs. HFs depend on networking as they generally don’t post job ads; small firms may post only full-time positions.

As already discussed, an MBA is not a big plus for a HF job-seeker, according to a Slideshare presentation developed by Glocap Search. MBAs can expect fierce competition from lateral HF and PE/VC candidates. A majority of successful MBA applicants have previous buy-side experience (HF, PE, long-only).

Much MBA hiring takes place for junior and mid-levels (two to eight years’ experience). These new recruits command relatively low salaries and come with some knowledge/training. Although some funds have shown renewed interest in hiring MBAs, they don’t place a premium on the degree. In fact, MBA candidates might be rejected for their attitude, high salary expectations, and time spent out of the job market during their program.

Also read:
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Asset management vs investment banking
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IIMA PGPX placements in private equity
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References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

I'm a financial expert with a deep understanding of hedge funds and the finance industry. My knowledge extends to various investment strategies, financial markets, and the qualifications sought by hedge funds when hiring professionals. I've closely followed the careers of successful hedge fund managers and have a comprehensive grasp of the dynamics within the hedge fund industry.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. Hedge Fund (HF) Definition and Structure:

    • A hedge fund is a pooled fund and a private investment partnership or limited liability company.
    • Managed by a money manager or investment advisor.
    • Invests in a diverse range of assets such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, foreign currencies, real estate, and art.
    • Industry comprises around 8,000 funds with total assets of $3 trillion.
    • Most funds are under $100 million, but those over $5 billion control 65% of assets.
  2. Hedge Fund Strategies:

    • Hedge funds can use strategies like short-selling, which involves betting against a stock by borrowing and selling shares.
    • Investors commit funds for a lock-in period, and only accredited and sophisticated investors can participate.
  3. Earnings Structure in Hedge Funds:

    • Hedge fund managers typically receive 2% of the assets under management (AUM) annually and 20% of profits.
  4. Example of Hedge Fund Earnings:

    • An example illustrated in the article shows how earnings are distributed between the fund manager and the investor based on a contractual agreement.
  5. History of Hedge Funds:

    • The first hedge fund was launched in 1949 by Andrew Winslow Jones.
    • George Soros' speculation against the pound in the 1990s contributed to the rise of hedge fund prominence.
  6. Top Hedge Funds (2017):

    • Bridgewater Associates, AQR Capital Management, JP Morgan Asset Management, Renaissance Technologies, and Two Sigma were mentioned as the top five hedge funds.
  7. Getting Hedge Fund Jobs after MBA:

    • Hedge funds prefer candidates with top academic qualifications, including Ivy League graduates.
    • Common qualifications include a master’s degree, CFA, MBA, CAIA, and PhD.
    • Top business schools for hedge fund jobs include Columbia, Wharton, Stern, Harvard, Booth, Stanford, Yale, MIT Sloan, Tuck, Johnson, LBS, INSEAD, HEC, and Chinese institutions like CEIBS and Fudan University.
  8. Requirements Beyond an MBA:

    • Work experience in a hedge fund or related field is crucial.
    • Specialization in economics, finance, and accounting is recommended.
    • Networking, staying informed about the hedge fund industry, and gaining relevant experience are emphasized.
  9. Hedge Fund Salaries:

    • Hedge fund jobs offer attractive salaries, including an asset management fee (usually 2% of assets) and a share of profits (often 20%).
  10. Challenges in Hedge Fund Jobs:

    • High earning potential comes with long and stressful working hours, with little job security.
  11. Recruitment for Hedge Fund Jobs:

    • Recruitment processes vary among large managers, hedge funds, and boutique firms.
    • An MBA may not be a significant advantage, and competition can be fierce, particularly from candidates with prior buy-side experience.

These concepts provide a comprehensive overview of the hedge fund industry, from its structure and strategies to the qualifications and challenges associated with pursuing a career in hedge funds, especially after completing an MBA.

How to get Hedge Fund jobs after MBA - MBA Crystal Ball (2024)


Do hedge funds hire out of MBA? ›

Hedge Fund Analyst Job Description

If you recruit for hedge funds out of an MBA program, you'll also join at this level (see our full article on the hedge fund analyst role). You complete many of the same tasks as Junior Analysts, but you have more independence and spend more time working on specific investment theses.

Which MBA is best for hedge funds? ›

NYU, HBS, MIT, Yale, Wharton are all located in the hedge fund corridor and will have numerous alumni on the roster at big shops. There are others and certainly some lesser ranked schools will have alumni at hedge funds.

Can MBA finance become hedge fund manager? ›

The basic qualification for becoming a hedge fund manager is a bachelor's degree, a master's degree in finance or an MBA. Usually those with an Ivy League background score better jobs in hedge funds and therefore most managers have an elite education and in addition several certificates required for their job.

How hard is it to get a job at a hedge fund? ›

Hedge funds employ some of the best-paid business professionals anywhere, but landing your first job in the industry is no cakewalk. Building a hedge fund career takes determination, networking stamina, and a fierce competitive streak. Here are some steps to help get you to that interview and then land that job.

Where do top hedge funds hire from? ›

There are two main entry points into hedge funds: directly out of undergraduate as a Junior Analyst or Research Associate, or as an Analyst, after you work for several years in a field like investment banking, equity research, asset management, or sales & trading.

What degree do most hedge fund managers have? ›

Hedge fund managers often have a master's degree or even a Ph. D. in finance, mathematics, economics, financial engineering, quantitative finance, programming, marketing, or business administration. Others have advanced degrees in a specialty such as engineering or accounting.

Who are the richest hedge fund managers? ›

Who Is the Richest Hedge Fund Manager? Ken Griffin of Citadel is both the richest hedge fund manager and the highest paid. In 2022, he earned $41. billion, and by the beginning of 2023 his net worth was estimated at $35 billion.

What colleges are best for hedge funds? ›

University of Pennsylvania

Wharton isn't just a private equity powerhouse – they're quite likely the best school for any buyside job, including hedge funds and possibly venture capital.

Can an MBA get you into investment banking? ›

Obtaining an MBA degree affords many advancement opportunities in investment banking, and those with pre-MBA experience can expect to move more quickly into senior positions and even higher salaries. Post-MBA investment banking jobs for those with industry experience include: Investment Banking Senior Associate.

What is the minimum salary for a hedge fund? ›

While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $242,849 and as low as $32,804, the majority of salaries within the Hedge Fund jobs category currently range between $66,587 (25th percentile) to $117,017 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $165,000 annually in California.

How much does a VP at a hedge fund make? ›

Vice President Of Hedge Funds Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$244,500$20,375
75th Percentile$190,000$15,833
25th Percentile$115,000$9,583

How to break into hedge fund management? ›

How to start working for a hedge fund
  1. Study the financial industry. The first step in preparing to work for a hedge fund is to study the financial industry. ...
  2. Earn a bachelor's degree. ...
  3. Secure an internship. ...
  4. Earn a CFA or MBA. ...
  5. Expand your professional network. ...
  6. Find a career mentor. ...
  7. Design your resume. ...
  8. Apply for a position.
Apr 18, 2024

Will an MBA get me into investment banking? ›

Most business school MBA programs can prepare you for a career as an investment banker. Investment bankers help companies raise money through facilitating acquisitions and mergers, arranging sales, selling stocks and bonds, and advising companies on going public.

Does an MBA help you get into private equity? ›

As discussed, an MBA is essential for breaking into the realm of private equity. Beyond this, however, you will want to tailor your MBA program based on your unique professional goals.

Which schools do hedge funds recruit from? ›

The top-ranked undergraduate programs for getting an investment-management job at a hedge fund, mutual fund or private equity fund include the usual suspects. Coming in first is the University of Pennsylvania, followed by Harvard University, Stanford University, Cornell University and Princeton University.

Is CFA necessary for hedge funds? ›

That doesn't mean you have to have a degree in business or economics. In fact, many famous hedge fund managers are students of philosophy. Certain hedge funds require an MBA or CFA. Many people get both, but getting both is really a waste of time.


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